Hey there, brothers and sisters! Ever hear whispers that the church is...irrelevant? Outdated? Even, gasp, corrupt? My soul cries out at such blasphemy! Today, let's ditch the lukewarm apathy and stoke the flames of our faith. Because believe me, the church, our church, is anything but irrelevant. It's a supernova of hope, a beacon of love, and a force for good that this world desperately needs.
Remember that crazy love story in Ephesians 5 Paul tells husbands to love their wives like Christ loves the church. A love that gives everything, asks for nothing. A love that makes her radiant, beautiful, whole. Would you say a man truly loves his wife if he ignores her, speaks poorly of her? Of course not! So how can we say the church is insignificant when Jesus himself cherished her with such fierce devotion?
Now, picture this: You're stranded on a desert island, starving, alone. Suddenly, a rescue ship appears. Would you say its arrival is "irrelevant"? Absolutely not! That's the role of the church, my friends. We're not some dusty museum exhibit, we're the rescue ship in a world drowning in darkness. We offer sustenance, guidance, and the unwavering love of Christ.
But wait, isn't there already a sea of churches out there? True, some flourish, some fade, just like life itself. But the numbers tell a sobering story: 3,200 new churches are needed just to keep pace with population growth, while 135 close their doors every week. Can you imagine WakeMed closing down? The city would erupt in chaos! Yet, when churches fade, do we even blink?
This isn't about fancy buildings. It's about growing God's kingdom. We're all called, each and every one of us, not because of our fancy titles or eloquent sermons, but because of the Gospel that beats in our hearts. Remember, Jesus found his disciples on the beach, not in the synagogue! He needs your raw, authentic faith, your willingness to be a flame in the darkness.
So, how do we ignite this fire within? Leviticus 6 paints a picture of a fire on the altar, never extinguished. That fire is our devotion, our relentless pursuit of God. It's fueled by prayer that pierces the heavens, by fasting that strips away distractions, by giving that echoes the generosity of our Father. It's about being FAT: Faithful, Available, and Teachable.
Faithful: Obeying even when it's hard, the "chop off the hand, pluck out the eye" kind of faithful. God doesn't want perfect people, He wants people who are serious about following Him, no matter the cost.
Available: Not just showing up on Sunday, but living a life actively engaged in His mission. We're His hands and feet in this world, carrying His love to every corner.
Teachable: Open to correction, willing to learn and grow even when it's uncomfortable. Remember the Karate Kid? Be that student, eager to be molded into the vessel He desires.
Are you faithful, available, and teachable? Ask yourself that question. Let it spark a fire in your soul, a passion to serve, to build, to be the church ablaze with God's love!
Finally, let's paint a picture of a healthy church, a church that reflects this fire:
* A place of unrelenting brotherly love, where fellowship crackles like lightning.
* A hospitable haven, welcoming all with open arms, a lighthouse in the storm.
* A community that remembers those suffering, offering comfort like a warm blanket.
* Strong families built on faithfulness and purity, a testament to God's transforming power.
* Contentment with what God has given, shunning the trap of envy and materialism.
This is the church we can be, the church we must be. A raging inferno of hope, a beacon of love, a force for good that ignites the world. So let's fan the flames, friends, and become the firestorm that God always intended us to be!